Saturday, October 27, 2007

Make Your Home a Sanctuary of Love

* Be available, so as to keep family ties strong. Do things together as family.
* Set aside time for your family. Young people measure their parents' interest in them in proportion to the time they spend with them.
* Kindness is the oil that smoothens the many rough spots you come across in child-rearing.
* Children like to see a good example in their parents, practising what they preach.
* Teach your children to have sympathy for the poor.
* Develop each child's personality, mainly by teaching them to take responsibility. Don't hand them everything 'on a platter'.
* Understand the true meaning of discipline. Let your authority be motivated by love. Be considerate but firm when you have to be.
* Spur the creativity of your children. Give them chances to dream dreams, to unlock their imagination, to awaken their internal and external senses to the people around them, and to wonders of Nature.
* Instruct your children to lead constructive lives.
Source: Not available

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